I heard a voice say,"El ZaRa"! That is her name!
"Here, Magnus, hold El Aleator!" I picked up El ZaRa, AMAZED!!! Oh, how beautiful! As is studied her, she started turning a deep blue and was becoming very hot!
I heard Magnus say, "Wow! this is hot!"
"Mine too Magnus, let's put them down on this rock."
I ran around snapping pictures of the two of them.Left photo-original photo. They were both growing in size! After a few minutes of watching them, I heard Spirit say,
"Pick them up and put them together!"
"I can't I exclaimed! They are too hot!"
"Pick them up!" ....OK....
Believe it or not, the light and colors you see in these two skulls are ABSORBED by the skulls and they BECOME the color...explain? I can't.